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Sacred place

How many times, my dear
how long is the time without your smile
how tough is to face any fear
while here I'm standing, while

air around is not enough...
I don't know why dear, why
must this world could make you cry,
time will fade while turns the mill

True force will have my will,
this desire to see you happy, dear,
to clean any unwanted tear
and only with brigth Love fill

a tomorrow that I'm dreaming.
I knew you in another life, for sure
this words are my own soul, pure
is the light surrounding you.

How could I say that it's so true
my angel, my sweet dream
only you is I wanna see
between all hard things, an through

the impossible exists what it can be.
My heart is yours, my beauty Tanya
you're the Heaven that I adore,
can be even dreaming, can be more

this illussion to see your smile,
like a single rose growing,
you are the air here, flowing
my heart flies where is your Love

and my gift is me,
my heart must be in the warm light
there where God wants to be
that sacred place that is
where ever time and soul stands

My beauty, my dear
must be there, in your hands.

Guardián del Alma
© Derechos reservados

For  Tanya

Safe Creative Registry ID: 1811068961092

Sacred Place -
CC by 4.0 -
Guardián Del Alma

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